The unexpected benefits of peanuts, number 4 makes you surprised

The unexpected benefits of peanuts, number 4 makes you surprised

Who doesn’t like to eat nuts? In fact, for those who experience allergies, eating peanuts can cause harmful effects, but in general peanuts are safe and delicious to eat. It’s just that, is it true that many people think it is a hobby that peanuts can reduce cholesterol?

The impact of eating nuts on cholesterol levels

In nuts, whatever the type, there is a very high content of vegetable protein. In addition, we can also find antioxidants such as polyphenols and P-Coamarico, an acid type of acid that is good for health.

In fact, if the peanuts are roasted, the p-coamouric content in them will increase significantly. This can cause antioxidant levels to increase up to 22 percent, equivalent to healthy fruits such as blueberries and strawberries.

Toasted peanuts without additional spices or flavors are very good for the health of the arteries. If we consume only a cup and fourth, then we can obtain the same amount of monounsaturated fat as a tablespoon of olive oil. The presence of monounsaturated fat is potentially capable of significantly reducing bad cholesterol levels.

In addition, peanuts also contain very high levels of niacin. This content can restore damaged cells or ensure that the cell regeneration process goes well. This may have a positive impact on reducing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s or other degenerative diseases.

Nuts are also rich in vitamin E, which is widely known by preventing cardiovascular diseases and cancer. This means that eating nuts can also provide greater health benefits.

We can also obtain other healthy ingredients from nuts. For example, we can obtain calcium and iron, the content that is usually found in milk that is good for blood and bone health.

In addition, in nuts you can also find the bioflavonoid resveratrol content that can make blood circulation in the brain up to 30 percent, lower bad cholesterol levels by 14 percent and reduce the risk of stroke and colon cancer.

Other benefits that can be found in nuts

In addition to the health benefits mentioned above, health experts say there are many other health benefits that can be obtained if they regularly consume the peanuts.

Here are the various benefits.

1. Reduce blood sugar levels

Health experts say that toasted peanut intake, instead of fried, aggregates with flour or other spices can help reduce blood sugar levels. This is due to the presence of fiber and manganese that can help reduce excess glucose in the body. This then significantly affects blood sugar levels.

2. It can help prevent premature aging

Eating peanuts can also help prevent premature aging problems. This is due to the presence of vitamin E that can provide benefits for skin health. In addition to vitamin E, we can also obtain vitamins B that can provide the same health benefits.

3. Can reduce the risk of developing bile calculations

Health experts say that nut content can prevent infection in the gallbladder and avoid the formation of gallstones.

4. It can help prevent cancer

Actually, to prevent cancer, we must change our lifestyle to be really healthy, but health experts say that the habit of consuming peanuts that are high in p-coamouric acid can play a role in reducing the risk of risk of Develop cancer effectively.

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